Iraida Grigorievna Ovchinnikova, Lubov Viktorovna Kurzaeva, Svetlana Anatolievna Chichilanova


Статья освящает особенности разработки образовательных программ в рамках компетентностного подхода федеральных государственных образовательных стандартов. Рассмотрены наиболее перспективные, с точки зрения авторов, инструменты управления требованиями к результатам обучения будущих ИТ-специалистов в системе профессионального образования – международные образовательные стандарты и рамка квалификаций.

Ключевые слова

профессиональное образование; компетентностный подход; требования рынка труда; рамка квалификаций; ИТ-отрасль


Azarov R.N. Developing a competency passport: methodic recommendations for organizers of design work and teaching staff of universities. First edition / R.N. Azarova, N.M. Zolotareva. – M.: Research center of the problems of training quality, coordinating council of educational and methodic associations, scientific and methodological councils of higher schools, 2010. 56 p.

Kurzaeva L.V. Diagnostics of the development level of competitiveness of future IT professionals // Developing innovative mechanisms to improve the competitiveness of graduates of IT specialties of higher school in the conditions of a mono industrial city: a collection of articles. – Magnitogorsk, Magnitogorsk State University, 2012. Рp. 59-69.

Kurzaeva L.V., Ovchinnikova I.G. International experience in quality management of education based on frameworks // «The scientific debate: questions of sociology, political science, philo-sophy, history»: the materials of VI International correspondence scientific and practical conference. Part II (17 October 2012). – Moscow: Publishing house «International Centre for Science and Education», 2012. Рp. 51-56.

Kurzaeva L.V., Ovchinnikova I.G., Zakharova T.V. On the question of the development of a framework of qualifications and professional standards in the integrative environments (using an example, of Informatics and Education) // Humanities and social sciences. 2012. № 4. URL: http://www.hses-online.ru/2012/ 04/13_00_08/24.pdf

Kurzaeva L.V., Ovchinnikova I.G., Slepukhina G.V. Adaptive management of quality of vocational education on the basis of competence-based approach (using an example of IT industry): methodological bases, models and basic tools of installation requirements for training results: a monograph. – Magnitogorsk: Magnitogorsk State University, 2013. 138 p.

Kurzaeva L.V., Ovchinnikova I.G., Slepukhina G.V. Psycho-peda-gogical tools of evaluation and diagnostics of training results of personality in the training directions of the IT branch: methodic recommendations. – Magnitogorsk: Magnitogorsk State University, 2013. 40 p.

Kurzaeva L.V. Development of the competitiveness of the future information technology specialists in the course of vocational training in higher school: Author’s abstract of dissertation. Cand. of ped. sciences. – Magnitogorsk: Magnitogorsk State University, 2009. 24 p.

Ovchinnikova I.G., Kurzaeva L.V., Zakharova T.V., Mironova A.A.

Development of basic education programs through the use of modular competence approach: methodic recommendations. – Magnitogorsk: Magnitogorsk State University, 2013. 36 p.

Ovchinnikova I.G., Kurzaeva L.V., Samarokova I.V. Methodolo-gical and technological aspects of a qualification framework for vocational education system // Current problems of science and education. 2013. № 3; URL: www.scienceeducation.ru/109-9255

Ovchinnikova I.G., Kurchatov B.V., Kurzaeva L.V. Regional qua-lification framework: the role and place in the system of continuous vocational education, experience in development: a monograph. I.G. Ovchinnikova. – Magnitogorsk: Magnitogorsk State University, 2011. 141 p.

Sukhomlin V.A. International educational standards in the field of information technology // Applied Informatics –№1 (37), 2012. Рp. 33-55.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.12731/wsd-2015-5.7-16


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ISSN 2658-6649 (print)

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